
Signups coming Spring 2023
What is it?
The KHA Case Competition is an annual competition sponsored by KHA Accountants & Consultants where student teams are presented a unique and challenging problem. They must compete to solve that problem over a number of days, and present their findings to a panel of industry experts. Our competition features unique, custom case material written by KHA Consultant Valerie Valerian and is headed by KHA Partner Jonny Baker.
Our case competition...

Interwoven business and engineering focus, facilitated by cross-college collaboration with the Student Engineer's Council and Mays Business School Consulting organizations.
We utilize custom, unique case materials that provide a fair, fun, and engaging platform for our competitors. In 2022, our case was created by KHA Consultant Valerie Valerian with support from KHA Partner Jonny Baker.
Beginner friendly
A combination of technical and creative problem solving makes for a fun and challenging problem. A friendly panel of judges role-play a real company's Board, giving you a fun and creative format for critical feedback and improvement.
No steep competition fees mean that this is a learning and fun first environment. Despite the free entry, t-shirts and prizes are generously provided by our sponsors and hosts.
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