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Spring 2024 Case Competition

Welcome to the Premier Business Challenge of the Year!


Join us from March 29th to April 5th for an exhilarating journey of strategic thinking, innovation, and teamwork. Hosted by TACG in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, this case competition is your opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills and creativity, competing against some of the brightest minds.


TACG x McKinsey Case Comp



Cases Released

The competition begins with the release of the case study, a real-world business scenario that requires innovative thinking and strategic solutions. Participants will receive the case via email. This is your opportunity to apply your knowledge, analytical skills, and creativity to solve complex business problems. Dive deep into the case, collaborate with your team, and prepare to showcase your unique approach.


Round 1 - Submission

Your team must submit a comprehensive analysis and solution to the case. This submission should include a detailed deck and any supporting documents that outline your proposed strategy. Be sure to address the key challenges presented in the case, and justify your recommendations with data and insightful analysis. Submissions will be evaluated based on creativity, depth of analysis, feasibility of implementation, and the potential impact of proposed solutions. 


Round 2 - Presentation

Top 10 teams selected for Round 2 will have the opportunity to present their solutions to a panel of judges from McKinsey and TACG on April 5th. This is your moment to bring your written submission to life, demonstrating your team's ability to communicate effectively and persuade industry experts. Presentations should be concise, engaging, and supported by clear rationale and evidence. Impress the judges with your understanding of the case, strategic thinking, and the persuasiveness of your pitch. The best presentations will advance to the final round, moving one step closer to the grand prize. 


1st Place

$1250 + McKinsey Buddies 

2nd Place

$500 + McKinsey Coffee Chats

3rd Place

$250 + McKinsey Coffee Chats

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